
Save the Date: 6th Annual Golf Classic

July 28, 2025





The Eric Feltman

Memorial Foundation

Mobile Devices - Best Viewed Horizontally


It is with deep sadness and a heavy heart to inform you that Julie Feltman, Eric's wife and mother of their children Sarah, Aaron and Rachel, passed away last evening.

The funeral service will be held Friday at 10:30 AM at The Congregational Church of Huntington, 30 Washington Drive, Centerport, NY.

Burial will take place on Monday at the Beth Emeth Cemetery, 58 Turner Lane, Albany, NY.

Please keep Julie and her family in your thoughts and prayers at this most difficult time.


Thank You to Our Sponsors


Presenting Sponsor

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Steve Madden 


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The Stein



Elizabeth & Justin MIRRO

Maturo Family Foundation



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Eve and Mel Fishman 

Nina & Robert


The Peters


Dean & Jody


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Donald Hendler


The Galletta



Foundation Address

Eric Feltman Memorial Foundation

ICO: Leonard Stein

106 Charles Lindbergh Blvd.

Uniondale, NY  11553

Contact Us

Roger Caldwell

Great Golf Events

(888) 324.9515


Lenny Stein

Golf Chair

(516) 248-3737




Dear Friend of Eric,

On September 14, 2023, 160 golfers participated in the 4th Annual Eric Feltman Memorial Pro-Am Golf Outing at the Meadow Brook Club.

It was a wonderful day for golf; the weather was beautiful, and the golf course was in great condition. After golf, the participants enjoyed the hospitality of the Meadow Brook Club, whose staff once again provided us with a truly wonderful experience and terrific food. Thanks to the generosity of our participants, sponsors, and donors we raised $90,000; since inception the foundation has raised $250,000 to help fight pancreatic cancer. Thanks to all of you!

Matthew Weiss, MD, Deputy Physician in Chief and Director of Surgical Oncology at the Northwell Cancer Institute, and Professor of Surgery at the Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra provided an update regarding the progress that is being made in pancreatic cancer research. He added that the funds donated to the Northwell Cancer Institute Eric Feltman Pancreatic Cancer Innovation Fund have been instrumental towards that end. Together, Dr. Weiss and his team have worked to develop a new model for multidisciplinary care for pancreatic cancer patients and are partnering with Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory to develop novel therapies that improve cancer outcomes with faster breakthroughs and personalized treatment.

Furthermore, he announced that our fundraising efforts will support the newly formed Eric Feltman Pancreatic Cancer Clinical Trials Fund. Thanks to the support of The Eric Feltman Innovation Fund, Dr. Weiss and his team have developed projects and clinical trials that will have a large impact in the field in a short period of time. The next step is to amplify these initial projects with funding for pilot awards. The Eric Feltman Clinical Trials Fund will provide annual research awards to promising pancreatic cancer research projects. These research projects will be reviewed by a committee of clinicians and scientists to grade their merit. The winner of the award will be announced at the annual Eric Feltman Memorial Foundation Golf Outing and the previous year’s winner will provide an update on their project.

I would like to offer once again a sincere and heartfelt thanks to our sponsors, participants, and donors, for without you and your generosity, these efforts would not be attainable. It is our hope that with your ongoing commitment and the expertise of the scientists that we are supporting we can continue to make strides to win the battle against pancreatic cancer.

Congratulations to Our Winners!

Dear Friend of Eric,

On September 14, 2023, 160 golfers participated in the 4th Annual Eric Feltman Memorial Pro-Am Golf Outing at the Meadow Brook Club.

It was a wonderful day for golf; the weather was beautiful, and the golf course was in great condition. After golf, the participants enjoyed the hospitality of the Meadow Brook Club, whose staff once again provided us with a truly wonderful experience and terrific food. Thanks to the generosity of our participants, sponsors, and donors we raised $90,000; since inception the foundation has raised $250,000 to help fight pancreatic cancer. Thanks to all of you!

Matthew Weiss, MD, Deputy Physician in Chief and Director of Surgical Oncology at the Northwell Cancer Institute, and Professor of Surgery at the Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra provided an update regarding the progress that is being made in pancreatic cancer research. He added that the funds donated to the Northwell Cancer Institute Eric Feltman Pancreatic Cancer Innovation Fund have been instrumental towards that end. Together, Dr. Weiss and his team have worked to develop a new model for multidisciplinary care for pancreatic cancer patients and are partnering with Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory to develop novel therapies that improve cancer outcomes with faster breakthroughs and personalized treatment.

Furthermore, he announced that our fundraising efforts will support the newly formed Eric Feltman Pancreatic Cancer Clinical Trials Fund. Thanks to the support of The Eric Feltman Innovation Fund, Dr. Weiss and his team have developed projects and clinical trials that will have a large impact in the field in a short period of time. The next step is to amplify these initial projects with funding for pilot awards. The Eric Feltman Clinical Trials Fund will provide annual research awards to promising pancreatic cancer research projects. These research projects will be reviewed by a committee of clinicians and scientists to grade their merit. The winner of the award will be announced at the annual Eric Feltman Memorial Foundation Golf Outing and the previous year’s winner will provide an update on their project.

I would like to offer once again a sincere and heartfelt thanks to our sponsors, participants, and donors, for without you and your generosity, these efforts would not be attainable. It is our hope that with your ongoing commitment and the expertise of the scientists that we are supporting we can continue to make strides to win the battle against pancreatic cancer.

Congratulations to Our Winners!

Pro-Am Division: Low Gross

    Mike Meehan (Pro)

    Mark Peters

    Kevin Shinnick

    Ray Furey

Pro-Am Division: Low Net

    Vincent Venard (Pro)

    Dominick Gadaleta

    Ollie Capacchione

    Vincent D’Agostino

Mal Galletta Jr. Award (Low Pro)

Mike Meehan

Amateur Division: Low Gross

    Jhon Jaramillo 

    Phil Delzatto

    Michael Caristo

    Eddie Smith 

Amateur Division: Low Net

    John DiNozzi

    Charles Forte, Sr.

    Peter Pastorelli

    Dominick Servedio

Closest to Pin

   Joe Kay (Also w Hole N One!!)

   Jim Maggio

   Jean Bartholomew

In closing, please note that November is Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month, and November 16 is World Pancreatic Cancer Day. Please honor Eric’s memory and acknowledge others who have been impacted by this disease by wearing a purple ribbon, and please consider a donation to our foundation.

Thanks once again for your support, and please SAVE THE DATE: Tuesday August 6, 2024, for the 5th Annual Eric Feltman Memorial Pro-Am Outing.


Lenny Stein


Eric Feltman Memorial Foundation


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